Emmett, the possibly-cheating husband, runs out of the house, all excited by the presence of Angela, the terrible possibly-main character. He needs her to take the dog (a basset hound? named Claxton?) to the vet. Angela seems to care about the dog as much as she cares about her son. (Hint: Not very much.) She invites the son to dinner. Angela never takes the dog to the vet.
I had thought the dog up and disappeared from the story completely after Emmett makes his request, but, no, there's a mention of the dog being on the fishing trip with the guys when Angela sneaks home later in the book. I know. This is either an amazingly thick plot or a ridiculously awful story.
Chita is by far a more offensive character. In the Chita vs. Claxton smackdown, Chita wins.
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